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Big Brother issues

X Big Brother issues


"Cannot connect to server" or "outdated link" error? or Service Unavailable

Check RealPlayer's online status setting
In RealPlayer - Tools menu - Category pane- click Connection - Click the Assume I am online option -Click OK.

Increase the time-out settings, and try playing the clip again.

In RealPlayer - Tools menu - click Preference
- Connection - on the Right hand side Under Network Time-out increase the time-out settings by 100 seconds and server by 100 seconds - Click OK- Try to play the clip again.

Manually Disable Proxy

In RealPlayer - Tools menu - click Preference
- Connection - on the Right hand side - you can find Media browser proxy settings next to that click Change settings - Select Lan settings on Internet properties inside that select "Automatically detect settings " and click ok twice and select Change settings under Streaming settings - select NO PROXY for both RTSP and PNA same for HTTP and click ok

Manually configure RealPlayer to use HTTP only.

1. In RealPlayer, click Tools menu - choose Preferences-Under Connection - click Network Transports -Make a check mark on Manually configure connection settings check box - select RTSP settings - Uncheck first three boxes and make sure Attempt to use HTTP for all content check box is selected - Click the PNA Settings button - Uncheck first three boxes - and make sure the Attempt to use HTTP for all content check box is selected - Click OK twice to save your changes, then try to connect again.

Configure your personal firewall or security software to allow RealPlayer access to the Internet. OR Disable Firewall

KB No: 3082
Link : http://tinyurl.com/23dded

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Ongoing Issues

RAC V3 Network error on redownloading SR 137155 , Mp3 Store Unable to " Add to Cart " DELTA GARDEN - SR 138895 , Rhapsody Track Cannot be Imported to Library - SR 131511 , Unable to Access Rhapsody library from Rhapsody.com - SR 147265 , Unable to Cancel Verizon Account - SR147265 , RDS Device Connection error its an ongoing issue , 500 servlet error on accessing Download History -SR140187 , Unable to Access CS tool - SR 149821 This website was created for free with Own-Free-Website.com. Would you also like to have your own website?
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